My Neighbor's Plum Jam Recipe

Last year I discovered that our neighbor across the hall does canning for a hobby. This is great for me because we swap jars to fill out our pantry stock & avoid too much of the same thing in our own cupboards. She gave me this fantastic plum jam last year. It tastes like Christmas in a jar. After much badgering she finally gave me the recipe in exchange for some salsa this year. I just finished the batch off & it's cooling in my kitchen right now. It tastes great with oatmeal on a cold morning, or for use in linzer cookies. (Traditionally you would use a raspberry jam, but trust me this plum jam was a yummy alternative) So thank you neighbor in apartment #907. Your jam will be making a lot of people very happy this fall.

Makes 6 / 250 ml jars

6 cups of Niagara Yellow Plums (my neighbor used red plums from her parents yard)
***Ensure they are pitted & blanched. Learn about that HERE.
3 cups of white sugar
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of allspice
1 box of pectin

1. Combine your prepared & chopped plums in a large stock pot with your white sugar. Bring to a boil by stirring constantly. This lets the juice out of the plums & breaks down the delicate flesh of the plums to make it easier to process them. 
2. Bring to a boil that you cannot stir away, Add your lemon juice, spices & powdered pectin. Boil for the next 10 minutes. The time boiling will reduce some of the water in the fruit. The heat will allow your spices to fully infuse the plums. The lemon juice & boiling will allow your pectin to integrate for a good gel for your finished product.
3. Test the jam in the freezer to ensure the gel has happened. If not follow the package instructions on how to reprocess to get a good gel.
4. Ladle the jam into jars & water bath process for 10 minutes. The jam should keep in storage for 1 year.


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